Thursday, March 29, 2012
Granting xp_cmdshell permission to SQL Login
Using SQL Server 2005 SP2
I have a stored procedure in my database which calls xp_cmdshell to run a
little task. I have done the following to allow this proc to be executed by
non-privileged user:
EXEC sp_configure 'xp_cmdshell', 1
IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM master.dbo.syslogins WHERE loginname =
CREATE LOGIN [mysqllogin] WITH PASSWORD = 'myPa55word'
CREATE USER mysqllogin FROM LOGIN mysqllogin
GRANT EXECUTE ON xp_cmdshell TO mysqllogin
USE mytestdb
CREATE USER mysqllogin FROM LOGIN mysqllogin
CREATE PROC exec_xpcmdshell
EXEC MASTER.dbo.xp_cmdshell 'dir c:'
GRANT EXECUTE ON exec_xpcmdshell TO mysqllogin
EXECUTE AS USER = 'mysqllogin'
EXEC [exec_xpcmdshell]
I get the following error:
Msg 15121, Level 16, State 200, Procedure xp_cmdshell, Line 1
An error occurred during the execution of xp_cmdshell. A call to
'LogonUserW' failed with error code: '1329'.
Why is that? Is it possible to allow a SQL Login to execute xp_cmdshell
through via a stored procedure?
Did you restart MSSQLSERVICE after granting permissions?
"Mark Allison" <> wrote in message
> Hi database geeks and MVPs!
> Using SQL Server 2005 SP2
> I have a stored procedure in my database which calls xp_cmdshell to run a
> little task. I have done the following to allow this proc to be executed
> by a
> non-privileged user:
> GO
> EXEC sp_configure 'xp_cmdshell', 1
> GO
> IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM master.dbo.syslogins WHERE loginname =
> N'mysqllogin')
> CREATE LOGIN [mysqllogin] WITH PASSWORD = 'myPa55word'
> GO
> CREATE USER mysqllogin FROM LOGIN mysqllogin
> GRANT EXECUTE ON xp_cmdshell TO mysqllogin
> GO
> USE mytestdb
> GO
> CREATE USER mysqllogin FROM LOGIN mysqllogin
> GO
> CREATE PROC exec_xpcmdshell
> AS
> EXEC MASTER.dbo.xp_cmdshell 'dir c:'
> GO
> GRANT EXECUTE ON exec_xpcmdshell TO mysqllogin
> EXECUTE AS USER = 'mysqllogin'
> GO
> EXEC [exec_xpcmdshell]
> GO
> revert
> I get the following error:
> Msg 15121, Level 16, State 200, Procedure xp_cmdshell, Line 1
> An error occurred during the execution of xp_cmdshell. A call to
> 'LogonUserW' failed with error code: '1329'.
> Why is that? Is it possible to allow a SQL Login to execute xp_cmdshell
> through via a stored procedure?
> Thanks,
> Mark.|||Yes I did. No effect.
"Uri Dimant" wrote:
> Mark
> Did you restart MSSQLSERVICE after granting permissions?
>|||Hello Mark,
You can't use xp_cmdshell because you do not enable it. Because of the
'allow updates' option.
Your 'allow updates' server setting must be enabled. If you want to leave it
enabled then you'll need to run your code as the following to enable
EXEC sp_configure 'xp_cmdshell', 1
If you disable your 'allow updates' option using the following code
EXEC sp_configure 'allow updates', 0
Then you'll be able to run your code as it is (without with override
I learned this solution from Jasper Smith, thanks to him.
Ekrem ?nsoy
"Mark Allison" <> wrote in message
> Hi database geeks and MVPs!
> Using SQL Server 2005 SP2
> I have a stored procedure in my database which calls xp_cmdshell to run a
> little task. I have done the following to allow this proc to be executed
> by a
> non-privileged user:
> GO
> EXEC sp_configure 'xp_cmdshell', 1
> GO
> IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM master.dbo.syslogins WHERE loginname =
> N'mysqllogin')
> CREATE LOGIN [mysqllogin] WITH PASSWORD = 'myPa55word'
> GO
> CREATE USER mysqllogin FROM LOGIN mysqllogin
> GRANT EXECUTE ON xp_cmdshell TO mysqllogin
> GO
> USE mytestdb
> GO
> CREATE USER mysqllogin FROM LOGIN mysqllogin
> GO
> CREATE PROC exec_xpcmdshell
> AS
> EXEC MASTER.dbo.xp_cmdshell 'dir c:'
> GO
> GRANT EXECUTE ON exec_xpcmdshell TO mysqllogin
> EXECUTE AS USER = 'mysqllogin'
> GO
> EXEC [exec_xpcmdshell]
> GO
> revert
> I get the following error:
> Msg 15121, Level 16, State 200, Procedure xp_cmdshell, Line 1
> An error occurred during the execution of xp_cmdshell. A call to
> 'LogonUserW' failed with error code: '1329'.
> Why is that? Is it possible to allow a SQL Login to execute xp_cmdshell
> through via a stored procedure?
> Thanks,
> Mark.|||Mark
xp_cmdshell requires CONTROL SERVER permission.
Does the user have it?
"Mark Allison" <> wrote in message
> Yes I did. No effect.
> "Uri Dimant" wrote:
>|||Hi Uri,
I have changed my script to incorporate that permission, but I still get the
same error. xp_cmdshell works fine when run as a sysadmin.
EXEC sp_configure 'xp_cmdshell', 1
IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM master.dbo.syslogins WHERE loginname =
CREATE LOGIN [mysqllogin] WITH PASSWORD = 'myPa55word'
CREATE USER mysqllogin FROM LOGIN mysqllogin
GRANT EXECUTE ON xp_cmdshell TO mysqllogin
--EXEC sp_xp_cmdshell_proxy_account 'mysqllogin','myPa55word' -- this
doesn't work either
USE mytestdb
CREATE USER mysqllogin FROM LOGIN mysqllogin
CREATE PROC exec_xpcmdshell
EXEC MASTER.dbo.xp_cmdshell 'dir c:'
GRANT EXECUTE ON exec_xpcmdshell TO mysqllogin
EXECUTE AS USER = 'mysqllogin'
EXEC [exec_xpcmdshell]
Msg 15121, Level 16, State 200, Procedure xp_cmdshell, Line 1
An error occurred during the execution of xp_cmdshell. A call to
'LogonUserW' failed with error code: '1329'.
"Uri Dimant" wrote:
> Mark
> xp_cmdshell requires CONTROL SERVER permission.
> Does the user have it?
> "Mark Allison" <> wrote in message
>|||When I type "NET HELPMSG 1329" from the command prompt, I get message "Logon
failure: user not allowed to log on to this computer."
Make sure the proxy account (configured with sp_xp_cmdshell_proxy_account)
has permissions to login locally.
Hope this helps.
Dan Guzman
SQL Server MVP
"Mark Allison" <> wrote in message[vbcol=seagreen]
> Hi Uri,
> I have changed my script to incorporate that permission, but I still get
> the
> same error. xp_cmdshell works fine when run as a sysadmin.
> GO
> EXEC sp_configure 'xp_cmdshell', 1
> GO
> IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM master.dbo.syslogins WHERE loginname =
> N'mysqllogin')
> CREATE LOGIN [mysqllogin] WITH PASSWORD = 'myPa55word'
> GO
> CREATE USER mysqllogin FROM LOGIN mysqllogin
> GRANT EXECUTE ON xp_cmdshell TO mysqllogin
> --EXEC sp_xp_cmdshell_proxy_account 'mysqllogin','myPa55word' -- this
> doesn't work either
> GO
> USE mytestdb
> GO
> CREATE USER mysqllogin FROM LOGIN mysqllogin
> GO
> CREATE PROC exec_xpcmdshell
> AS
> EXEC MASTER.dbo.xp_cmdshell 'dir c:'
> GO
> GRANT EXECUTE ON exec_xpcmdshell TO mysqllogin
> EXECUTE AS USER = 'mysqllogin'
> GO
> EXEC [exec_xpcmdshell]
> GO
> revert
> go
> /*
> Msg 15121, Level 16, State 200, Procedure xp_cmdshell, Line 1
> An error occurred during the execution of xp_cmdshell. A call to
> 'LogonUserW' failed with error code: '1329'.
> */
> "Uri Dimant" wrote:
>|||Hi Dan,
That's the point. I cannot grant access to a SQL Login. It works fine with a
Windows login, but I have a SQL Login.
From BOL:
sp_xp_cmdshell_proxy_account [ NULL | { 'account_name' , 'password'
} ]
Specifies that the proxy credential should be deleted.
Specifies a Windows login that will be the proxy.
"Dan Guzman" wrote:
> When I type "NET HELPMSG 1329" from the command prompt, I get message "Log
> failure: user not allowed to log on to this computer."
> Make sure the proxy account (configured with sp_xp_cmdshell_proxy_account)
> has permissions to login locally.
> --
> Hope this helps.
> Dan Guzman
> SQL Server MVP
>|||> That's the point. I cannot grant access to a SQL Login. It works fine with
> a
> Windows login, but I have a SQL Login.
xp_cmdshell needs an OS security context when it runs. That security
context is the Windows xp_cmdshell proxy account when it's executed by a
non-sysadmin user. The 1329 error isn't related to the SQL login executing
xp_cmdshell but is rather the Windows error code returned because the
xp_cmdshell proxy account doesn't have the needed Windows permissions
My guess is that the Windows login you mentioned is a sysadmin role member.
Xp_cmdshell runs under the context of the SQL Server service account when
executed by a sysadmin role member and that account probably has different
permissions than the proxy account
I successfully ran a modified of your original script on my test system. My
xp_cmdshell proxy account is a minimally privileged domain user account and
. I didn't grant CONTROL SERVER permission..
Hope this helps.
Dan Guzman
SQL Server MVP
"Mark Allison" <> wrote in message[vbcol=seagreen]
> Hi Dan,
> That's the point. I cannot grant access to a SQL Login. It works fine with
> a
> Windows login, but I have a SQL Login.
> From BOL:
> sp_xp_cmdshell_proxy_account [ NULL | { 'account_name' , 'passwor
d' } ]
> Arguments
> Specifies that the proxy credential should be deleted.
> account_name
> Specifies a Windows login that will be the proxy.
> Mark.
> "Dan Guzman" wrote:
Granting User Privileges??
on the BE in an access 2003 project. I believe it is now time to define
roles, users and grant each one its privileges, but how do I do that?
I know about GRANT, REVOKE etc, but
1. Where do I type these?
2. Is all this information encrypted?
3. When installing the MSDE I set a password what is this all about? Will
it have any impact on user level security?
4. Is there a visual tool to handle user level security, such as in an
Access database?
5. As I indend to create a distributed database application is these
security scheme in accordance to that?
6 and final. How can I let the superuser (aka the superior user of the
client) grant privileges to other users, after granting him the option to
grant? eg form?
Some answers inline
"Dimitrios Tanis" <> wrote in message news:O%23XXjhBnFHA.3608@.TK2MSFTNGP15.phx.gbl...
>I have setup an SQL MSDE instance on my PC and I currently finished working on the BE in an access 2003 project. I
>believe it is now time to define roles, users and grant each one its privileges, but how do I do that?
> I know about GRANT, REVOKE etc, but
> 1. Where do I type these?
In a script, run with osql.exe against the database is one way.
Query Analyser from a developer pc or pc with sql server installed is another
> 2. Is all this information encrypted?
Not unless it is embedded in your application, and only run locally or through an encrypted connection.
Even if it was scripting the database will get this configuration type of information back. The encyption in
SQL Server 2000 / MSDE is for view, triggers and stored procedures - i.e. code, and is crackable anyway.
> 3. When installing the MSDE I set a password what is this all about? Will it have any impact on user level security?
Depends on what authentication mode you use - with windows authentication, the only password you
have to worry about is the sa one on the install, and this is only a problem if someone at some stage
changes the security to SQL/Mixed.
> 4. Is there a visual tool to handle user level security, such as in an Access database?
If you map windows groups to the SQL database roles, then your user management is done under windows itself.
The beta for SQL 2005 Express includes a GUI tool, and there is a web based one for 2000.
Apart from them there is osql.exe for the masochistic, Enterprise Manager for the licensed, or your application
doing sql calls behind the scenes.
> 5. As I indend to create a distributed database application is these security scheme in accordance to that?
Well you are going to have to enable the network libraries, which immediatly gives you an order of magnitude
more security worries. For example a breach in your install of MSDE can grant full access to the PC (xp_cmdshell).
Integrated security is Microsoft's recommendation, but you still need to think about changing network ports and
> 6 and final. How can I let the superuser (aka the superior user of the client) grant privileges to other users, after
> granting him the option to grant? eg form?
see 4)
also suggest reading security related info from
Granting UPDATE for only certain columns in a table
I have tried using the SQL statement shown below to grant UPDATE permissions for a single column in a single table to a user with db_datareader privileges.
grant update (col_1) on trs.dbo.table_1 to calc
When I then run a SQL script that has an UPDATE for col_1 on trs.dbo.table_1, I get an error message
Msg 230, Level 14, State 1, Line 2100
UPDATE permission denied on column 'col_2' of object 'table_1', database 'TRS', schema 'dbo'.
Why is the error message referring to "col_2" when my SQL statement is trying to update "col_1"?
When I performed the "grant" I did it with an account that has db_owner, db_securityadmin, and db_ddladmin privileges.
This worked in SQL Server 2000. What must I do to get it to work in SQL Server 2005?
Sorry Dan - can you show us the update query?|||You are going to have to dig deeper. The only scenario that I can think of where an update to another column causes an update to another column causing issues like this is with a trigger with dynamic SQL (a real no-no in almost all cases, but it could exist). The fact that you have appended database names to the ddl makes me curious as to how that *might* cause issue, but I don't even see how anything cross-database could be an issue either.
Here is a script that shows what I am meaning:
create table test
column1 int,
column2 int
create user fred without login
execute as user = 'fred'
update test
set column1 = 1
Msg 229, Level 14, State 5, Line 1
The UPDATE permission was denied on the object 'test', database 'tempdb', schema 'dbo'.
grant update (column1) on test to fred
execute as user = 'fred'
update test
set column1 = 1
(0 row(s) affected)
update test
set column2 = 1
Msg 230, Level 14, State 1, Line 1
The UPDATE permission was denied on the column 'column2' of the object 'test', database 'tempdb', schema 'dbo'.
create trigger test$updateColumn1
on test
after update
update test
set column2 = 2')
execute as user = 'fred'
update test
set column1 = 1
Msg 230, Level 14, State 1, Line 2
The UPDATE permission was denied on the column 'column2' of the object 'test', database 'tempdb', schema 'dbo'.
If you could post a full example like this showing your issue I think that you might find your error, or certainly one of us can help you out.
|||Thanks for your support.
Here is a small bit of code that is able to produce the problem. It seems to be associated with having a JOIN in the UPDATE statement. An UPDATE without the JOIN works just fine.
Using a DB_OWNER account perform the following table creation, insert, and grant commands:
create table trs.dbo.people
name varchar(10),
sex varchar(10),
age smallint
insert into people values ('tom', 'male', 10)
insert into people values ('jane', 'female', 18)
insert into people values ('sue', 'female', 22)
create table trs.dbo.grads
name varchar(10),
grad_yr varchar(4)
insert into grads values ('jane', '2006')
insert into grads values ('sue', '2002')
grant update (age) on trs.dbo.people to calc
Then, from the db_datareader account, calc, run the following UPDATE statements, one at a time.
update p
set age = 40
from trs.dbo.people p
where (age is not null)
update p
set age = 35
from trs.dbo.people p
inner join trs.dbo.grads g
on =
where (age is not null)
The first one works. The second one fails with error message
Msg 230, Level 14, State 1, Line 1
UPDATE permission denied on column 'name' of object 'people', database 'TRS', schema 'dbo'.
Does this help?
|||Very nice. I have no answer as to why this is, but I will check around and let you know.|||Thanks!|||Do you have select permission on the other columns?
I know it's complaining that you don't have UPDATE permission... but it's complaining about your access to another column that's involved in the join.
If I enter SELECT statements against the two tables, while connected as "CALC", all the rows from each table are returned.
select * from grads;
select * from people;
I have also tried using the DB_OWNER connection to explicity GRANT SELECT access to those tables, and still get the same error message when I try to update the AGE column, as in the example above, while connected as "CALC".
grant select on trs.dbo.people to calc
grant select (name) on trs.dbo.people to calc
grant select on trs.dbo.grads to calc
|||Ok, so that idea wasn't right. ;)It's somehow related to the fact that you're joining the table you're updating to another table, and the engine thinks that it needs to be able to update that column too. It doesn't of course, but the fact that the column is used in the query must be confusing it somehow.
I assume this works just fine if you grant update access to the name column too?
One workaround might be to wrap it up in a table expression, but if that works, it'll just be down to luck.
The same code runs just fine with SQL Server 2000. I only ran into a problem when I tried moving it over to SQL Server 2005.
If I grant UPDATE access on the NAME column, as identified in the Error message, then the code runs.
But I hate to do that, since CALC is supposed to be a relatively "unprivileged" user, with db_datareader general privileges only, and CREATE TABLE privileges -- and in my actual application, these other columns are the PRIMARY KEY columns in the tables.
Adding a new column to the table, a column to which CALC has UPDATE permission, was a way of avoiding creating an entirely new table for CALC to own, with 500,000 rows, and a 20-byte primary key that incorporates 5 columns. Had I created such a new table my processing queries would have to JOIN this table to the 500,000 row counterpart. Instead of such a JOIN I added a new column as a simpler, faster solution.
|||Hmm... I'll have to do some more hunting. I'd like to say "try using a cte or view", or something like that (based on the fact that you might be able to update a view without it thinking it needs to be able to update the joining column), but I actually don't know if that will help. I'll have to recreate the situation locally and try some things.But hopefully some of the other guys will already know the answer to this.
This seems like such a "natural" thing to have to do, in most any application that requires user permissions to only certain columns in a table.
Consider a table that connects salary to social security number. If you want to allow someone to edit SALARY, must you also allow them to edit SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER?
What if you are running a medical office and have some sort of PATIENT NUMBER in the medical records. If you want to edit information on their account, such as their ZIP CODE, must you also allow them to edit the PATIENT NUMBER?
Is there maybe a greater need in SQL Server 2005 to create a new ROLE for every different set of permissions that one might need in the database, rather than use GRANT UPDATE to customize access to different users?
I'm not now at my office where I could try it, but I'm wondering if some SYSTEM table stores UPDATE permissions, and if a user has NOT received GRANT or DENY UPDATE permissions on a column in a table, maybe an INNER JOIN is being used, rather than an OUTER JOIN on the permissions table. If that is true, I suppose I can DENY UPDATE on the NAME column in the example, and the query should work, because it finds an entry in the permissions table for the NAME column, even though that entry is "DENY." So tomorrow at the office I'll try DENY UPDATE (name) on TRS.DBO.PEOPLE to CALC. (I'll have to check the syntax on the DENY statement. I think I noticed one in the past few days.)
|||This is almost clearly a bug that I posted here:
A (not terribly satisfying) workaround is to move the join to a subquery:
update p set age = 35
from trs.dbo.people p
where in (select
from trs.dbo.people p2
inner join trs.dbo.grads g
on =
where (age is not null))
Here is the simple repro with users I posted:
create database trs
use trs
create table trs.dbo.people
name varchar(10),
sex varchar(10),
age smallint
insert into people values ('tom', 'male', 10)
insert into people values ('jane', 'female', 18)
insert into people values ('sue', 'female', 22)
create table trs.dbo.grads
name varchar(10),
grad_yr varchar(4)
insert into grads values ('jane', '2006')
insert into grads values ('sue', '2002')
create user calc without login
sp_addrolemember 'db_datareader','calc'
grant update (age) on trs.dbo.people to calc
--Then, from the db_datareader account, calc, run the following UPDATE
statements, one at a time.
execute as user = 'calc'
update p
set age = 40
from trs.dbo.people p
where (age is not null)
update p
set age = 35
from trs.dbo.people p
inner join trs.dbo.grads g
on =
where (age is not null)
Msg 230, Level 14, State 1, Line 1
The UPDATE permission was denied on the column 'name' of the object
'people', database 'trs', schema 'dbo'.
Thanks for posting that to the MS "feedback" site.
I tried my "DENY UPDATE" idea, but it didn't fix anything: the same error message was obtained for the same UPDATE statement.
There aren't many places in my code where I am performing updates on columns where the GRANT UPDATE permission is limited to certain columns -- maybe a few dozen. I'll just make the code edits corresponding to your suggestion, and maybe un-do them if/when a patch occurs.
Thanks again.
I reworked my code for SQL Server 2005, using the technique you suggested (or something quite similar):
update p set age = 35
from trs.dbo.people p
where in (select
from trs.dbo.people p2
inner join trs.dbo.grads g
on =
where (age is not null))
In all but a single instance, this solution worked just fine.
In the remaining instance, the value that I need for the SET clause is from the JOINed table. Were we using the example I supplied (rather than my actual code), this could appear as
update p
set age = cast(g.grad_yr as int) + 18 - 2006
from trs.dbo.people p
inner join trs.dbo.grads g
on =
where (age is not null)
I didn't see any easy way around this, other than to create a CURSOR on "select distinct GRAD_YR from GRADS" and using a LOOP over the CURSOR values, and having code like
update p
set age = @.grad_yr + 18 - 2006
from trs.dbo.people p
where (age is not null) and in (select distinct name from trs.dbo.grads where grad_yr = @.grad_yr)
I am thankful that the number of values for my CURSOR is less than 10, in my actual application.
If you can think of a better alternative, I would be happy to learn of it.
Granting stored procedure execute permissions from ASP.NET?
I do not have direct access to our SQL Server but I have full FTP access to the web server and have the db Username/passwords.
I need to grant execute permissions on a stored procedure, can I do this from an asp/ASP.NET page?
The DB guys take 24 hours to run a script against the database!
Any help would be greatfully recieved.
You can use a SqlCommand object, and set the command text to something like this:
Grant Execute Onsp_name To ASPNET
Then use .ExecuteNonQuery()
Granting Select to an NT Login Group
SQL Databse. The query executes but never returnes and the permissions are
set. Can anyone tell me why the little world keeps spinning and never
returns. thanks
DECLARE @.cmd as varchar(255)
SELECT [name] FROM sysobjects WHERE type = 'u' ORDER BY [name]
DECLARE as varchar(255)
OPEN table_names
SELECT @.cmd = 'GRANT SELECT ON ' + + ' TO [VS Developers]'
--PRINT @.cmd
EXEC @.cmd
DEALLOCATE table_names
CLOSE table_names
"brymer28303" <> wrote in message
>I have this procdure to grant select permission to a developers group on an
> SQL Databse. The query executes but never returnes and the permissions
> are
> set. Can anyone tell me why the little world keeps spinning and never
> returns. thanks
> DECLARE @.cmd as varchar(255)
> DECLARE table_names CURSOR FOR
> SELECT [name] FROM sysobjects WHERE type = 'u' ORDER BY [name]
> DECLARE as varchar(255)
> OPEN table_names
> FETCH NEXT FROM table_names INTO
> SELECT @.cmd = 'GRANT SELECT ON ' + + ' TO [VS Developers]'
> --PRINT @.cmd
> EXEC @.cmd
> FETCH NEXT FROM table_names INTO
> DEALLOCATE table_names
> CLOSE table_names
Infinite loop. Your loop doesn't include the FETCH NEXT. Also you should
test for @.@.FETCH_STATUS = 0, since values other that 1 are possible.
Should beL
DECLARE @.cmd as varchar(255)
SELECT [name] FROM sysobjects WHERE type = 'u' ORDER BY [name]
DECLARE as varchar(255)
OPEN table_names
SELECT @.cmd = 'GRANT SELECT ON ' + + ' TO [VS Developers]'
--PRINT @.cmd
EXEC @.cmd
CLOSE table_names
DEALLOCATE table_names
|||Thanks David
"David Browne" wrote:
> "brymer28303" <> wrote in message
> Infinite loop. Your loop doesn't include the FETCH NEXT. Also you should
> test for @.@.FETCH_STATUS = 0, since values other that 1 are possible.
> Should beL
> DECLARE @.cmd as varchar(255)
> DECLARE table_names CURSOR FOR
> SELECT [name] FROM sysobjects WHERE type = 'u' ORDER BY [name]
> DECLARE as varchar(255)
> OPEN table_names
> FETCH NEXT FROM table_names INTO
> SELECT @.cmd = 'GRANT SELECT ON ' + + ' TO [VS Developers]'
> --PRINT @.cmd
> EXEC @.cmd
> FETCH NEXT FROM table_names INTO
> CLOSE table_names
> DEALLOCATE table_names
> David
Granting Select to an NT Login Group
SQL Databse. The query executes but never returnes and the permissions are
set. Can anyone tell me why the little world keeps spinning and never
returns. thanks
DECLARE @.cmd as varchar(255)
SELECT [name] FROM sysobjects WHERE type = 'u' ORDER BY [name]
DECLARE as varchar(255)
OPEN table_names
SELECT @.cmd = 'GRANT SELECT ON ' + + ' TO [VS Developers]'
--PRINT @.cmd
EXEC @.cmd
DEALLOCATE table_names
CLOSE table_names"brymer28303" <> wrote in message
>I have this procdure to grant select permission to a developers group on an
> SQL Databse. The query executes but never returnes and the permissions
> are
> set. Can anyone tell me why the little world keeps spinning and never
> returns. thanks
> DECLARE @.cmd as varchar(255)
> DECLARE table_names CURSOR FOR
> SELECT [name] FROM sysobjects WHERE type = 'u' ORDER BY [name]
> DECLARE as varchar(255)
> OPEN table_names
> FETCH NEXT FROM table_names INTO
> SELECT @.cmd = 'GRANT SELECT ON ' + + ' TO [VS Developers]'
> --PRINT @.cmd
> EXEC @.cmd
> FETCH NEXT FROM table_names INTO
> DEALLOCATE table_names
> CLOSE table_names
Infinite loop. Your loop doesn't include the FETCH NEXT. Also you should
test for @.@.FETCH_STATUS = 0, since values other that 1 are possible.
Should beL
DECLARE @.cmd as varchar(255)
SELECT [name] FROM sysobjects WHERE type = 'u' ORDER BY [name]
DECLARE as varchar(255)
OPEN table_names
SELECT @.cmd = 'GRANT SELECT ON ' + + ' TO [VS Developers]'
--PRINT @.cmd
EXEC @.cmd
CLOSE table_names
DEALLOCATE table_names
David|||Thanks David
"David Browne" wrote:
> "brymer28303" <> wrote in message
> Infinite loop. Your loop doesn't include the FETCH NEXT. Also you should
> test for @.@.FETCH_STATUS = 0, since values other that 1 are possible.
> Should beL
> DECLARE @.cmd as varchar(255)
> DECLARE table_names CURSOR FOR
> SELECT [name] FROM sysobjects WHERE type = 'u' ORDER BY [name]
> DECLARE as varchar(255)
> OPEN table_names
> FETCH NEXT FROM table_names INTO
> SELECT @.cmd = 'GRANT SELECT ON ' + + ' TO [VS Developers]'
> --PRINT @.cmd
> EXEC @.cmd
> FETCH NEXT FROM table_names INTO
> CLOSE table_names
> DEALLOCATE table_names
> David
Granting Select to an NT Login Group
SQL Databse. The query executes but never returnes and the permissions are
set. Can anyone tell me why the little world keeps spinning and never
returns. thanks
DECLARE @.cmd as varchar(255)
SELECT [name] FROM sysobjects WHERE type = 'u' ORDER BY [name]
DECLARE as varchar(255)
OPEN table_names
SELECT @.cmd = 'GRANT SELECT ON ' + + ' TO [VS Developers]'
--PRINT @.cmd
EXEC @.cmd
DEALLOCATE table_names
CLOSE table_names"brymer28303" <> wrote in message
>I have this procdure to grant select permission to a developers group on an
> SQL Databse. The query executes but never returnes and the permissions
> are
> set. Can anyone tell me why the little world keeps spinning and never
> returns. thanks
> DECLARE @.cmd as varchar(255)
> DECLARE table_names CURSOR FOR
> SELECT [name] FROM sysobjects WHERE type = 'u' ORDER BY [name]
> DECLARE as varchar(255)
> OPEN table_names
> FETCH NEXT FROM table_names INTO
> SELECT @.cmd = 'GRANT SELECT ON ' + + ' TO [VS Developers]'
> --PRINT @.cmd
> EXEC @.cmd
> FETCH NEXT FROM table_names INTO
> DEALLOCATE table_names
> CLOSE table_names
Infinite loop. Your loop doesn't include the FETCH NEXT. Also you should
test for @.@.FETCH_STATUS = 0, since values other that 1 are possible.
Should beL
DECLARE @.cmd as varchar(255)
SELECT [name] FROM sysobjects WHERE type = 'u' ORDER BY [name]
DECLARE as varchar(255)
OPEN table_names
SELECT @.cmd = 'GRANT SELECT ON ' + + ' TO [VS Developers]'
--PRINT @.cmd
EXEC @.cmd
CLOSE table_names
DEALLOCATE table_names
David|||Thanks David
"David Browne" wrote:
> "brymer28303" <> wrote in message
> >I have this procdure to grant select permission to a developers group on an
> > SQL Databse. The query executes but never returnes and the permissions
> > are
> > set. Can anyone tell me why the little world keeps spinning and never
> > returns. thanks
> >
> > DECLARE @.cmd as varchar(255)
> >
> > DECLARE table_names CURSOR FOR
> > SELECT [name] FROM sysobjects WHERE type = 'u' ORDER BY [name]
> > DECLARE as varchar(255)
> >
> > OPEN table_names
> > FETCH NEXT FROM table_names INTO
> > WHILE (@.@.FETCH_STATUS <> 1)
> > SELECT @.cmd = 'GRANT SELECT ON ' + + ' TO [VS Developers]'
> > --PRINT @.cmd
> > EXEC @.cmd
> > FETCH NEXT FROM table_names INTO
> > DEALLOCATE table_names
> > CLOSE table_names
> Infinite loop. Your loop doesn't include the FETCH NEXT. Also you should
> test for @.@.FETCH_STATUS = 0, since values other that 1 are possible.
> Should beL
> DECLARE @.cmd as varchar(255)
> DECLARE table_names CURSOR FOR
> SELECT [name] FROM sysobjects WHERE type = 'u' ORDER BY [name]
> DECLARE as varchar(255)
> OPEN table_names
> FETCH NEXT FROM table_names INTO
> SELECT @.cmd = 'GRANT SELECT ON ' + + ' TO [VS Developers]'
> --PRINT @.cmd
> EXEC @.cmd
> FETCH NEXT FROM table_names INTO
> CLOSE table_names
> DEALLOCATE table_names
> David
granting select permission
How to grant select permission on table of another database from current database.
Ex: I am in database asddb
I want to grant select permission on table "test" which is in database bsddb.
Can anyone please help me in resolving this problem.Please take a look at the GRANT statement in Books Online. You need to switch to the database using USE and run the GRANT statement.
granting select permission
How to grant select permission on table of another database from current database.
Ex: I am in database asddb
I want to grant select permission on table "test" which is in database bsddb.
Can anyone please help me in resolving this problem.Please take a look at the GRANT statement in Books Online. You need to switch to the database using USE and run the GRANT statement.
Granting SA rights to Sr. Developers in Small ITS Groups when ther
or Best Practices - and I could use some advise. Our ITS group is too small
to have a full time [application] DBA for SQL Servers so only Networking has
SA rights on the servers which in the past was not a problem. But now that
we're starting to develop/implement new Coldfusion and SQL Server Database
applications as we head toward switching from static HTML to a dynamic
database driven multiple server production environment that will use both a
staging and a development server. Since these are new technologies to this
environment and the production servers that only contain public information
(i.e. do not contain high risk data), Development has requested read-only
access to the production and staging servers to look at the data integrity,
check the rev. number on the code, and look at IIS, CF, and SQL logs and
configuration files, as needed. Development has also requested SA rights fo
their Sr. Developers only on the development server (i.e not the product
servers) to be used for testing replication, running diagnostics, reviewing
logs, create test applications users/roles to test permissions, test
configuration settings and permission issues (we are also implementing activ
directory) but access was denied to both requests. With one month left
before going live with the new production servers on IIS/CF/SQL, development
is concerned with the time delays with testing or replicating problems on th
development server and the inability to diagnose production problems with
outdated logs (vs real time monitors of IIS/CF).
The networking staff are competent at network issue but are not DBAs and doe
not have knowledge of how setting and permissions in SQL Server (not to
mention IIS or CF) will affect applications. How should SQL Server
roles/permission be split between Networking and Development on the
Development server in our small environment (note: our Sr Developers have 5
25 years of development experience including commercial DB engineering)?hi
there are no hard and fast rules to set a role to the users of the database.
it depends on the policy that u draft.
U need not have a full time DBA, eventhough its advised to have. Senior
developers with good admin skills can take up the role.
the person should have knowledge on taking backups and crash recovery
hope this answers the question
best Regards,
"JA" wrote:
> I just finished reading several articles on the SQL Server Security Checkl
> or Best Practices - and I could use some advise. Our ITS group is too sma
> to have a full time [application] DBA for SQL Servers so only Networking has
> SA rights on the servers which in the past was not a problem. But now tha
> we're starting to develop/implement new Coldfusion and SQL Server Database
> applications as we head toward switching from static HTML to a dynamic
> database driven multiple server production environment that will use both
> staging and a development server. Since these are new technologies to th
> environment and the production servers that only contain public informatio
> (i.e. do not contain high risk data), Development has requested read-only
> access to the production and staging servers to look at the data integrity
> check the rev. number on the code, and look at IIS, CF, and SQL logs and
> configuration files, as needed. Development has also requested SA rights
> their Sr. Developers only on the development server (i.e not the product
> servers) to be used for testing replication, running diagnostics, reviewin
> logs, create test applications users/roles to test permissions, test
> configuration settings and permission issues (we are also implementing act
> directory) but access was denied to both requests. With one month left
> before going live with the new production servers on IIS/CF/SQL, developme
> is concerned with the time delays with testing or replicating problems on
> development server and the inability to diagnose production problems with
> outdated logs (vs real time monitors of IIS/CF).
> The networking staff are competent at network issue but are not DBAs and d
> not have knowledge of how setting and permissions in SQL Server (not to
> mention IIS or CF) will affect applications. How should SQL Server
> roles/permission be split between Networking and Development on the
> Development server in our small environment (note: our Sr Developers have
5 -
> 25 years of development experience including commercial DB engineering)?|||It sounds like you're between a political rock and a hard place. The
important thing is to save in your CYA file a copy of the memo informing
management that what's going live cannot be adequately tested without
access, and since access has been denied, that they'll have to live with the
possibility of a meltdown. Once a meltdown occurs, you can be absolutely
sure that you will be given all the access you need (and probably more) in
order to fix the problem. (You might want to plan on an all-night debugging
fest, so be sure to stock up on Mountain Dew.)
Another solution would be to request equipment identical to the production
environment that is dedicated and accessible to the ITS group just for
testing. Of course someone will have to pay for the new equipment, and
you'll probably have to delay going live until the new equipment is
configured and testing is completed.
"JA" <> wrote in message
> I just finished reading several articles on the SQL Server Security
> or Best Practices - and I could use some advise. Our ITS group is too
> to have a full time [application] DBA for SQL Servers so only Networking
> SA rights on the servers which in the past was not a problem. But now
> we're starting to develop/implement new Coldfusion and SQL Server Database
> applications as we head toward switching from static HTML to a dynamic
> database driven multiple server production environment that will use both
> staging and a development server. Since these are new technologies to
> environment and the production servers that only contain public
> (i.e. do not contain high risk data), Development has requested read-only
> access to the production and staging servers to look at the data
> check the rev. number on the code, and look at IIS, CF, and SQL logs and
> configuration files, as needed. Development has also requested SA rights
> their Sr. Developers only on the development server (i.e not the product
> servers) to be used for testing replication, running diagnostics,
> logs, create test applications users/roles to test permissions, test
> configuration settings and permission issues (we are also implementing
> directory) but access was denied to both requests. With one month left
> before going live with the new production servers on IIS/CF/SQL,
> is concerned with the time delays with testing or replicating problems on
> development server and the inability to diagnose production problems with
> outdated logs (vs real time monitors of IIS/CF).
> The networking staff are competent at network issue but are not DBAs and
> not have knowledge of how setting and permissions in SQL Server (not to
> mention IIS or CF) will affect applications. How should SQL Server
> roles/permission be split between Networking and Development on the
> Development server in our small environment (note: our Sr Developers have
5 -
> 25 years of development experience including commercial DB engineering)?|||SA rights on a development box does not sound unreasonable; in fact, I
recommend it, for many of the reasons you list above. Developers need
their own space to break stuff, so that they understand how NOT to
break it in production.
I work in a small shop as well, and currently I serve as both
production and development DBA; we're hiring a production DBA, but
until then I have to document every little thing I do to make sure that
there is a record for accountability depending on the hat I'm wearing.
I think it's OK for developers to have read-only access to
llimited-risk data in production, and they should have full control
over their development environment. And you can tell your bosses I
said so :)
Someone on the Interwebs believes in your cause.
Stu|||On Fri, 29 Jul 2005 22:56:02 -0700, JA wrote:
>The networking staff are competent at network issue but are not DBAs and do
>not have knowledge of how setting and permissions in SQL Server (not to
>mention IIS or CF) will affect applications. How should SQL Server
>roles/permission be split between Networking and Development on the
>Development server in our small environment (note: our Sr Developers have 5
>25 years of development experience including commercial DB engineering)?
Hi JA,
I tend to agree with Stu: SA rights on the dev. server for experienced
DB developers and read rights to non-sensitive stuff on the prod server
sounds reasonable.
On the other hand, the networking staff has been assigned the
responsibility to keep the databases up and running and to protect data
from from unauthorized spreading (I'm sure that this is a terrible
sentence, but I don't know how to put it in correct English - I hope you
do understand what I'm trying to say).
And since it's THEIR responsibility, they are free to take whatever
measures THEY think are needed to accomplish that goals.
Many years ago, I had to do some major reshuffling on a SQL Server
implementation. The sa access I had was enough for about half the things
I needed to do (like shutting down the service, or creating a new file),
but many other tasks (like restarting the service, and deleting files no
longer needed) were only available for the network admins. Of course, I
requested access as network admin, to streamline the process. And of
course, I didn't get it. So I phoned the network admins each time I
needed them to do something:
"Hi, Hugo here - could you restart the SQL Server service please?"
"Hi, Hugo here - could you restart the SQL Server service please?"
"Hi, Hugo here - could you delete file XXX on server YYY please?"
"Hi, Hugo here - could you restart the SQL Server service please?"
"Hi, Hugo here - file AAA has to be moved from drive BBB to CCC."
"Hi, Hugo here - could you restart the SQL Server service please?"
"Hi, Hugo here - could you restart the SQL Server service please?"
"Hi, Hugo here - I requested a restart of the SQL Server service some 5
minutes ago, but doesn't seem to be running"
And so on.
Guess how long it took before I DID get some extra rights?
Best, Hugo
(Remove _NO_ and _SPAM_ to get my e-mail address)|||When I worked help desk, we used to hate guys like you :)
Stu|||On 30 Jul 2005 16:38:27 -0700, Stu wrote:
>When I worked help desk, we used to hate guys like you :)
Hey! I was only trying to get my job done, you know!
(mumble, whine, mumble)
Best, Hugo
(Remove _NO_ and _SPAM_ to get my e-mail address)
Granting right to all the user sp's
I would like to ease granting the right to execute all user sp's by normal u
By default, AFIK you have to click the EXECUTE option of each and every sp.
I head about a procedure, which could automate this.
Anyone knows this kind of procedure or how to to this?
Thank You
use pubs
select 'grant execute on ' +name +' to user_name' from sysobjects where
Replace the database name and user_name based on your requirement.
After excuting the script you will get a bunch of grant statement in your
result pane, just cut and paste the entire contents and execute it again.
"Joachim Hofmann" <> wrote in message
> Hello,
> I would like to ease granting the right to execute all user sp's by normal
> By default, AFIK you have to click the EXECUTE option of each and every
> I head about a procedure, which could automate this.
> Anyone knows this kind of procedure or how to to this?
> Thank You
> Joachim|||You can use a procedure like this
use master
create procedure sp_grantexec(@.user sysname,@.debug int = 0)
set nocount on
declare @.ret int
declare @.sql nvarchar(4000)
declare @.db sysname ; set @.db = DB_NAME()
declare @.u sysname ; set @.u = QUOTENAME(@.user)
-- check user exists
if not exists(select * from sysusers where name = @.user)
raiserror('User %s is not a valid user in this database',16,1,@.user)
return -1
set @.sql ='select ''grant exec on '' + QUOTENAME(ROUTINE_SCHEMA) + ''.'' +
'IsMSShipped'') =
if @.debug = 1 print @.sql
exec @.ret = master.dbo.xp_execresultset @.sql,@.db
If @.ret <> 0
raiserror('Error executing command %s',16,1,@.sql)
return -2
Then you can run it like below to grant user foo exec permissions on all
user stored procedures in the pubs database
use pubs
exec sp_grantexec 'foo'
Jasper Smith (SQL Server MVP)
I support PASS - the definitive, global
community for SQL Server professionals -
"Joachim Hofmann" <> wrote in message
> Hello,
> I would like to ease granting the right to execute all user sp's by normal
> By default, AFIK you have to click the EXECUTE option of each and every
> I head about a procedure, which could automate this.
> Anyone knows this kind of procedure or how to to this?
> Thank You
> Joachim
granting public permissions to another role
affect users I wanted to create a new role and grant it all of these excess
permissions from public, then revoke the permissions from public. It looks
like there are thousands of grants that need to be revoked - can anyone thin
of a way to script this?
Thank you in advance.One method is to generate the script using Transact-SQL. You can tweak the
example below to generate the desired script. This example script ignores
system objects and doesn't handle column permissions.
CASE [p].[protecttype]
CASE [p].[action]
END + ' ON ' +
QUOTENAME(USER_NAME([o].[uid])) + '.' +
QUOTENAME([o].[name]) + ' TO ' +
QUOTENAME([u].[name]) +
CASE WHEN [p].[protecttype] = 204 THEN ' WITH GRANT OPTION' ELSE '' END
[sysobjects] AS [o]
[sysprotects] AS [p] ON
[p].[id] = [o].[id]
[sysusers] AS [u] ON
[p].[uid] = [u].[uid]
OBJECTPROPERTY([o].[id], 'IsMSShipped') = 0 AND
[u].[name] = 'public'
Hope this helps.
Dan Guzman
SQL Server MVP
"Bobsie" <> wrote in message
> We need to revoke all insert/update/delete access from public. So this
> won't
> affect users I wanted to create a new role and grant it all of these
> excess
> permissions from public, then revoke the permissions from public. It looks
> like there are thousands of grants that need to be revoked - can anyone
> think
> of a way to script this?
> Thank you in advance.|||Thanks for the help - and when it comes to revoking the permissions from
"public" I could use a similar script using "revoke" instead of "grant"?
"Dan Guzman" wrote:
> One method is to generate the script using Transact-SQL. You can tweak th
> example below to generate the desired script. This example script ignores
> system objects and doesn't handle column permissions.
> CASE [p].[protecttype]
> END +
> CASE [p].[action]
> END + ' ON ' +
> QUOTENAME(USER_NAME([o].[uid])) + '.' +
> QUOTENAME([o].[name]) + ' TO ' +
> QUOTENAME([u].[name]) +
> CASE WHEN [p].[protecttype] = 204 THEN ' WITH GRANT OPTION' ELSE '' END
> [sysobjects] AS [o]
> [sysprotects] AS [p] ON
> [p].[id] = [o].[id]
> [sysusers] AS [u] ON
> [p].[uid] = [u].[uid]
> OBJECTPROPERTY([o].[id], 'IsMSShipped') = 0 AND
> [u].[name] = 'public'
> --
> Hope this helps.
> Dan Guzman
> SQL Server MVP
> "Bobsie" <> wrote in message
>|||Yes, Bobsie, the script I posted was developed to script existing
permissions. You'll need to modify it so that modified permission scripts
are generated instead.
Run the script once to extract the public permissions with your new role
hard-coded as the grantee instead of public'. The generated script will
looks something like:
Then run the script again with a hard-coded REVOKE instead of the GRANT/DENY
CASE statement so the second script generated will be like:
Be sure to review the generated scripts before running in your environment.
Hope this helps.
Dan Guzman
SQL Server MVP
"Bobsie" <> wrote in message
> Thanks for the help - and when it comes to revoking the permissions from
> "public" I could use a similar script using "revoke" instead of "grant"?
> "Dan Guzman" wrote:
granting privilages similar to existing user
existing user. How can I do this?
chuck t.The easiest way would be to write a little SQL-DMO script. Create a user
object and then execute the ListObjectPermissions method. Alternatively,
you can use the Script method and replace the old user with the new user.
Thomas A. Moreau, BSc, PhD, MCSE, MCDBA
SQL Server MVP
Columnist, SQL Server Professional
Toronto, ON Canada
"Chuck" <> wrote in message
>I need to grant privilages to a user that are like the privilages of an
> existing user. How can I do this?
> --
> chuck t.|||Hi,
please check this if it help you to get list :
Andy Davis
Activecrypt Team
SQL Server Encryption Software
"Chuck" wrote:
> I need to grant privilages to a user that are like the privilages of an
> existing user. How can I do this?
> --
> chuck t.
Granting Permissions using SQL 2005 Schema...
I have been asked to grant a Windows group Full access to all tables under our Sandbox Schema. This will allow these users to do anything to the tables under this Schema.
I created the Windows Group (Sandbox Users), created the login in SQL, created the user in the database that is tied to the Windows group, then ran GRANT CONTROL ON SCHEMA::[Sandbox] TO [Sandbox Users].
I have verified that the users are in the Windows group, but they state that they still can not delete tables under the Sandbox Schema.
Anyone have any ideas?
They would need alter schema to drop tables in the schema.
GRANT ALTER ON SCHEMA::[Sandbox] TO [Sandbox Users]
|||CONTROL should cover ALTER and DELETE. My guess is that the users from that group have been denied some permission that is affecting their DELET statements.
You can make use of fn_my_permissions and has_perm_by_name to find out the actual permissions on the object, for example:
-- Connected as/impersonating a member of Sandbox users
SELECT * FROM fn_my_permissions( 'Sandbox', 'schema' )
SELECT has_perms_by_name( 'Sandbox.SampleTable', 'object', 'DELETE' )
I hope this information helps,
-Raul Garcia
SQL Server Engine
|||Thanks for catching that Raul...not even sure what I was thinking last night. Or not thinking at that moment.
Thanks... that will help. I will be working with the user this morning to see if I can figure out why he is having this problem.
It looks like the permissions are fine. I was helping him out this morning and I think he has an issue with the package he was trying to run, bu the fn_my_permissions helped out tremendously.
Granting Permissions using SQL 2005 Schema...
I have been asked to grant a Windows group Full access to all tables under our Sandbox Schema. This will allow these users to do anything to the tables under this Schema.
I created the Windows Group (Sandbox Users), created the login in SQL, created the user in the database that is tied to the Windows group, then ran GRANT CONTROL ON SCHEMA::[Sandbox] TO [Sandbox Users].
I have verified that the users are in the Windows group, but they state that they still can not delete tables under the Sandbox Schema.
Anyone have any ideas?
They would need alter schema to drop tables in the schema.
GRANT ALTER ON SCHEMA::[Sandbox] TO [Sandbox Users]
|||CONTROL should cover ALTER and DELETE. My guess is that the users from that group have been denied some permission that is affecting their DELET statements.
You can make use of fn_my_permissions and has_perm_by_name to find out the actual permissions on the object, for example:
-- Connected as/impersonating a member of Sandbox users
SELECT * FROM fn_my_permissions( 'Sandbox', 'schema' )
SELECT has_perms_by_name( 'Sandbox.SampleTable', 'object', 'DELETE' )
I hope this information helps,
-Raul Garcia
SQL Server Engine
|||Thanks for catching that Raul...not even sure what I was thinking last night. Or not thinking at that moment.
Thanks... that will help. I will be working with the user this morning to see if I can figure out why he is having this problem.
It looks like the permissions are fine. I was helping him out this morning and I think he has an issue with the package he was trying to run, bu the fn_my_permissions helped out tremendously.
Granting permissions to xp_regread
a member of the sysadmins role?Public has execute permissions on xp_regread so why would
you need to? But can grant execute.
On Tue, 18 Oct 2005 20:28:02 -0700, "David"
<> wrote:
>Is it possible to grant execute permissions to xp_regread to a user who isn
>a member of the sysadmins role?
Granting permissions to stored procedures
I am using the following code to grant user access to the stored procedures in my database. However, it does not appear to be working because I am getting an access denied message when running the application as the user.
Here is the code I am using:
Code Snippet
' Grant privileges
Dim ExecutePrivilege As New ObjectPermissionSet
ExecutePrivilege.Execute = True
' Grant privileges to all non-system stored procs
' The following line improves performance
SmoServer.SetDefaultInitFields(GetType(StoredProcedure), "IsSystemObject")
For Each sp As StoredProcedure In db.StoredProcedures
If Not sp.IsSystemObject Then
sp.Grant(ExecutePrivilege, loginName)
End If
Is there something else I need to do, like a Save or Refresh or something? (I've stepped through the code and it *is* executing for each of my stored procedures. It just does not appear to actually have updated the priviledge.)
Any tips or ideas would be appreciated.
Security related commands are always executed directly, unless you change the setting from the context to only script the commands like the following statement does:
svr.ConnectionContext.SqlExecutionModes = SqlExecutionModes.CaptureSql;
The reflected sources show that a property is set for this which is called
so.ForDirectExecution = true;
Did you have a look in the profiler to see if the commands are arriving at the server and are eventually bounced back due to errors occuring during applying the script ?
Jens K. Suessmeyer|||
I skipped the profiler and went right to the database. I can view permissions, and they are actually set correctly. So the code is executing. (Should have thought of that before I posted!<G>)
The problem is that when I try to access any of the stored procs (or the tables), I get a "permission was denied on the object" message. So something else is obviously wrong.
This particular code happens to be in VB6, accessing SQLServer Express. When the *same* code accesses a SQL Server 2000 database, it runs without this error.
Any idea what could be wrong here? Or at this point do I need to move the question elsewhere since it does not appear to be an SMO problem.
sqlGranting Permissions to Roles in SQL Server 2005
also working with SQL Server 2005. I have found Management Studio a
bit tricky to work with, MS seems to have gone backwards in a few
In Enterprise Manager, permission granting was not the best but it was
simple and worked well. In Management Studio granting permissions to
a new role now seems to be very slow and tedious.
First of all it is about six mouse clicks to browse views only, then
select views one at a time (no ctrl or shift + click allowed), click
OK then you need to click through each view and then click Select (or
whatever rights). Clicking through each view for the first time takes
a few seconds on my laptop (1 user, core 2 duo, 2GB ram!).
I personally try and use the mouse as little as possible, keyboard
shortcuts are much faster. The other problem is that frequently the
role does not save correctly, ie. grant rights then click OK, load the
role again and my changes are gone!
We can't use Schemas because our app references dbo.ObjectName
everywhere and it would be impractical to change this to
Schema.ObjectName, or just ObjectName in all of our code. We did this
because referencing objects as dbo.ObjectName was optimised faster
than just ObjectName.
Has anyone else experienced the same problems?Others have mentioned some problems with using the GUI for
managing and viewing security. There is a lot more
complexity to SQL Server 2005 security than there was in
2000. Some of the "views" people were used to in 2000 just
aren't worth as much or as practical in 2005.
But...writing a T-SQL statement worked in 2000, works just
the same in 2005 - you just have more options as to what you
can grant and in what scope in 2005. If you use T-SQL and
scripts for your changes, you have a record which documents
to some degree what you executed, can keep the changes in
source control. In the same regard, you can write a lot
better queries to obtain security information in 2005
compared to 2000.
On 12 Feb 2007 16:23:05 -0800, wrote:
>I have several years experience working with SQL 2000 and we are now
>also working with SQL Server 2005. I have found Management Studio a
>bit tricky to work with, MS seems to have gone backwards in a few
>In Enterprise Manager, permission granting was not the best but it was
>simple and worked well. In Management Studio granting permissions to
>a new role now seems to be very slow and tedious.
>First of all it is about six mouse clicks to browse views only, then
>select views one at a time (no ctrl or shift + click allowed), click
>OK then you need to click through each view and then click Select (or
>whatever rights). Clicking through each view for the first time takes
>a few seconds on my laptop (1 user, core 2 duo, 2GB ram!).
>I personally try and use the mouse as little as possible, keyboard
>shortcuts are much faster. The other problem is that frequently the
>role does not save correctly, ie. grant rights then click OK, load the
>role again and my changes are gone!
>We can't use Schemas because our app references dbo.ObjectName
>everywhere and it would be impractical to change this to
>Schema.ObjectName, or just ObjectName in all of our code. We did this
>because referencing objects as dbo.ObjectName was optimised faster
>than just ObjectName.
>Has anyone else experienced the same problems?|||( writes:
> First of all it is about six mouse clicks to browse views only, then
> select views one at a time (no ctrl or shift + click allowed), click
> OK then you need to click through each view and then click Select (or
> whatever rights). Clicking through each view for the first time takes
> a few seconds on my laptop (1 user, core 2 duo, 2GB ram!).
> I personally try and use the mouse as little as possible, keyboard
> shortcuts are much faster. The other problem is that frequently the
> role does not save correctly, ie. grant rights then click OK, load the
> role again and my changes are gone!
The purpose of the more complex dialogue is that will encourage you
to type your statements! As Sue said, this pays off in the long run.
Joking aside, note that there is a Script button in every window, so
you can use the GUI for the first guy to get a template, if you
are not up to pace with the syntax.
> We can't use Schemas because our app references dbo.ObjectName
> everywhere and it would be impractical to change this to
> Schema.ObjectName, or just ObjectName in all of our code. We did this
> because referencing objects as dbo.ObjectName was optimised faster
> than just ObjectName.
No one forces you to use schemas. With "dbo." or not, adding
schemas to an existing application, is a major undertaking. For
the system I work with, schemas would fit in perfectly with what
we call subsystems, but given the size of our app, it's not going
to happen any time soon.
Erland Sommarskog, SQL Server MVP,
Books Online for SQL Server 2005 at
Books Online for SQL Server 2000 at|||On Feb 14, 9:56 am, Erland Sommarskog <> wrote:
> ( writes:
> The purpose of the more complex dialogue is that will encourage you
> to type your statements! As Sue said, this pays off in the long run.
> Joking aside, note that there is a Script button in every window, so
> you can use the GUI for the first guy to get a template, if you
> are not up to pace with the syntax.
> No one forces you to use schemas. With "dbo." or not, adding
> schemas to an existing application, is a major undertaking. For
> the system I work with, schemas would fit in perfectly with what
> we call subsystems, but given the size of our app, it's not going
> to happen any time soon.
> --
> Erland Sommarskog, SQL Server MVP,
> Books Online for SQL Server 2005 at
> Books Online for SQL Server 2000 at
Scripting admin tasks seems the way to go, having an audit trail can
come in handy. There is definitely some nice security functionalty
available with SQL 2005, just the GUI seems to be a bit flawed.
Thanks for your responses.
Granting Permissions to Developers
Hi Everyone,
Were looking from some feedback, thoughts, comments, suggestions on a permissions issue in our SQL Server 2005 environment. We have a Development (stand-alone server) and Production (active\passive cluster). Both running SP2. We're looking for the best way to manage permissions for the developers without giving them dbo privileges.
As background information, here's a note / response from a developer outlining the permission they need.
"Our team needs enough permissions on DB database to:
Create and modify DB object such as tables, stored procedures, keys, triggers, views, ...
Be able to execute stored procedures and other basic DB objects
One of the issue I had when working on DatabaseA which was never resolved was that I could create tables, but had no rights to modify them once created.
I could modify them via scripts, but not via graphical interface which is a pain.
I think we should have full permissions to dev DB other than to drop DB, and modify system DB settings.
So that we can work within the created DB shell completely."
Previous to supporting the current SQL Server 2005 environment, the developers\app owners had db_owner for their databases. Definitely not a best practice as with 2005 db_owner is ablke to delete databases. Moving away from this, we thought we would scale them back and only grant them the following database roles:
With these roles, they were able to create the tables, views, stored procedures, etc...... but problems arose when they tried to modify the objects they created as well as execute stored procedures. It's going to be a pain to grant permissions on each stored procedure. More of a mystery is allowing them to make design changes within Studio Manager. Given they can already do this using scripts but not the GUI.
So there is an issue with using GUI tools to design the tables.
Here's a thread we found that tries to explain the reason why they can't use the GUI to make design changes.
Even if you have CREATE TABLE permission, there are limitations to the modifications you can make. Remember, as you modify an existing table or design a new one, your work can induce attendant modifications in other tables. For example, if you change the data type of a foreign-key column, the corresponding column in the primary-key table will be automatically modified by the Visual Database Tools. If you do not own the primary-key table, and you are not logged in as the system administrator, database owner, or a user that is a member of the db_owner role, your modification will fail.
When we created the accounts, we assigned the default schema to be 'dbo'. This was thought to simplify administration of the objects. In SQL Server 2000, this was a best practice. Now, in SQL Server 2005, they changed everything with the user \ schema separation.
So we have a developer (devuser) - created with default schema (dbo). Any object that are being created are owned by dbo. (ie... dbo.table1, dbo.storedproc1, etc..) So dbo owns the objects, not the user.
Does anyone have any ideas? Do we create a new schema and assign permissions? Do we create a new fixed database role for the developers? I'm curious as to how others are assigning permissions to developers on development and production servers.
From my experience, the following is the most effective approach.
On the Dev server, Developers are in the dbo_owner role. They can create and/or destroy anything they want in that environment. They can freely experiment to solve their problems.
On the QA and Production servers, Developers are in the db_datareader and db_denydatawriter roles. They are not allowed any extraordinary levels of permissions in the QA and Production servers. They can ONLY see the data. If they need to alter data, they 'must' submit a (documented) request to the dba. They cannot alter any object, change any permissions, create or alter procedures, functions, views, etc., on the QA or Production servers.
And schema changes to the QA and Production servers are fully vetted with the DBA, and ONLY migrated to the QA and Productions server after extensive testing and sign-off by the QA team.
|||Thanks for the feedback. We'll pursue the same approach. Any other comments/ suggestion are appreciated.|||See this too.Granting Permissions to a stored procedure
xp_cmdShell procedure.
When I execute the procedure using a 'normal' acount with only public
acces to the database i get an error:
EXECUTE permission denied on object 'xp_cmdshell', Database 'master',
owner 'dbo'
sp_LogError is owned by dbo and all users have permission to access it.
It runs fine under the sa account.
What do I need to do so that all users can execute sp_LogError without
granting all users access to xp_cmdShell.
Thanks In Advance
You need to give exclusive previlage to xp_cmdshell proc to user if he is
not the member of sy

Execute permissions for xp_cmdshell default to members of the sy

server role, but can be granted to other users.
If you choose to use a Windows NT account that is not a member of the local
administrator's group to start MSSQLServer service, users who
are not members of the sy

SQL Serber MVP
"Malachy O'Connor" <> wrote in message
>I have a stored procedure sp_LogError that it self executes the
> xp_cmdShell procedure.
> When I execute the procedure using a 'normal' acount with only public
> acces to the database i get an error:
> EXECUTE permission denied on object 'xp_cmdshell', Database 'master',
> owner 'dbo'
> sp_LogError is owned by dbo and all users have permission to access it.
> It runs fine under the sa account.
> What do I need to do so that all users can execute sp_LogError without
> granting all users access to xp_cmdShell.
> Thanks In Advance
> Malachy
>|||Thanks for that Hari.
It is just that I was hoping not to have to give access to xp_cmdshell
to all users that wished to use my sp. I|||I was able to create my own sp_logError in master which called the
xp_cmdShell. Because it was owned by dbo it had permission to execute
I was then able to make sp_logError public so everyone can access it
without needing explicit access to xp_cmdShell.
granting permissions on set of tables
How can i do that in a much easier and sophisticated way.
Thanks.What I would probably do is create a role and call it something like abc_tables. Then generate the commands to grant the permissions on those tables with a query like:
select 'grant select, update, insert, delete on ' + name + ' to abc_tables'
from sysobjects
where type = 'U'
and name like 'abc%'
Run the resulting grant statements, then add the user to the role. The beauty of this is, if you have to grant the same permissions to another user, then you have most of the work already done.
Granting Permissions on Multiple Tables
y to only run the SELECT statement on all the tables in my database. Right
now I can run "GRANT SELECT ON table TO GRPSELECT" in Query Analyzer, but it
only allows me to do this
to one table at a time.
How can I accomplish this to all 600 tables in the database without manually
typing in every single table?
Thanks in advance!Instead of creating a new role you can add these users/group to
db_datareader fixed db role.
Members of db_datareader fixed db role have select permissions on any
objects in the db.
Lyudmila Fokina
Please do not send e-mail directly to this alias. This alias is for
newsgroup purposes only
Disclaimer: This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers
no rights.
"Jon Jones" <Jon> wrote in message
> I created a new Role called GRPSELECT. I want to give this group the
ability to only run the SELECT statement on all the tables in my database.
Right now I can run "GRANT SELECT ON table TO GRPSELECT" in Query Analyzer,
but it only allows me to do this to one table at a time.
> How can I accomplish this to all 600 tables in the database without
manually typing in every single table?
> Thanks in advance!|||Jon,
You can use Transact-SQL to generate the script for you:
FROM dbo.sysobjects so
WHERE so.type = 'u'
This output can then be copied.
Randy Dyess
"Jon Jones" wrote:
> I created a new Role called GRPSELECT. I want to give this group the ability to o
nly run the SELECT statement on all the tables in my database. Right now I can run
"GRANT SELECT ON table TO GRPSELECT" in Query Analyzer, but it only allows me to do
s to one table at a time.
> How can I accomplish this to all 600 tables in the database without manual
ly typing in every single table?
> Thanks in advance!sql
Granting permissions
100-150 tables, and 200 or so Stored Procs.
I have a new user john that gets created on each database. I need to give
him the ability to select, insert, update and delete from any user table, and
to be able to execute any Stored Procedure.
If I grant this new user membership to db_datareader, he gets select from
any user table.
If I grant this new user membership to db_datawriter, he gets insert,
update, delete to any user table.
So far, so good. Now the problem -
What role can I grant that would allow this user to be able to run any
stored procedure? Note that my manager will not let me grant him db_owner, as
this gives him too much rights.
And what every I do to give him the above rights, he can't be allowed to
create tables, create views or create any stored procedures
I could do this manually through the GUI, but with over 200 stored procs per
table, this is too time consuming. I could script, but this is also something
labor intensive, am looking for an easier way.
Thank you in advance.
Think I found the solution. For each table, use the:
Still not sure how to give a user rights to execute all Stored Procedures,
"Sam" wrote:
> I have a production server with a few databases. Each database has about
> 100-150 tables, and 200 or so Stored Procs.
> I have a new user john that gets created on each database. I need to give
> him the ability to select, insert, update and delete from any user table, and
> to be able to execute any Stored Procedure.
> If I grant this new user membership to db_datareader, he gets select from
> any user table.
> If I grant this new user membership to db_datawriter, he gets insert,
> update, delete to any user table.
> So far, so good. Now the problem -
> What role can I grant that would allow this user to be able to run any
> stored procedure? Note that my manager will not let me grant him db_owner, as
> this gives him too much rights.
> And what every I do to give him the above rights, he can't be allowed to
> create tables, create views or create any stored procedures
> I could do this manually through the GUI, but with over 200 stored procs per
> table, this is too time consuming. I could script, but this is also something
> labor intensive, am looking for an easier way.
> Thank you in advance.
> Sam
|||Create a new role in each database.
Grant the appropriate permissions to this role. (I know it's time
consuming, but it's a one time deal).
Then add your new users to this role in each db.
If you check around, there have been several scripts already created that
will grant permissions. You just need to tweak them a bit. My guess is
that in an hour worth of your time, you will have the script completed.
This newsgroup has had several posted to it within the last two weeks.
Rick Sawtell
"Sam" <> wrote in message
> I have a production server with a few databases. Each database has about
> 100-150 tables, and 200 or so Stored Procs.
> I have a new user john that gets created on each database. I need to give
> him the ability to select, insert, update and delete from any user table,
> to be able to execute any Stored Procedure.
> If I grant this new user membership to db_datareader, he gets select from
> any user table.
> If I grant this new user membership to db_datawriter, he gets insert,
> update, delete to any user table.
> So far, so good. Now the problem -
> What role can I grant that would allow this user to be able to run any
> stored procedure? Note that my manager will not let me grant him db_owner,
> this gives him too much rights.
> And what every I do to give him the above rights, he can't be allowed to
> create tables, create views or create any stored procedures
> I could do this manually through the GUI, but with over 200 stored procs
> table, this is too time consuming. I could script, but this is also
> labor intensive, am looking for an easier way.
> Thank you in advance.
> Sam
Granting permissions
100-150 tables, and 200 or so Stored Procs.
I have a new user john that gets created on each database. I need to give
him the ability to select, insert, update and delete from any user table, an
to be able to execute any Stored Procedure.
If I grant this new user membership to db_datareader, he gets select from
any user table.
If I grant this new user membership to db_datawriter, he gets insert,
update, delete to any user table.
So far, so good. Now the problem -
What role can I grant that would allow this user to be able to run any
stored procedure? Note that my manager will not let me grant him db_owner, a
this gives him too much rights.
And what every I do to give him the above rights, he can't be allowed to
create tables, create views or create any stored procedures
I could do this manually through the GUI, but with over 200 stored procs per
table, this is too time consuming. I could script, but this is also somethin
labor intensive, am looking for an easier way.
Thank you in advance.
SamThink I found the solution. For each table, use the:
Still not sure how to give a user rights to execute all Stored Procedures,
"Sam" wrote:
> I have a production server with a few databases. Each database has about
> 100-150 tables, and 200 or so Stored Procs.
> I have a new user john that gets created on each database. I need to give
> him the ability to select, insert, update and delete from any user table,
> to be able to execute any Stored Procedure.
> If I grant this new user membership to db_datareader, he gets select from
> any user table.
> If I grant this new user membership to db_datawriter, he gets insert,
> update, delete to any user table.
> So far, so good. Now the problem -
> What role can I grant that would allow this user to be able to run any
> stored procedure? Note that my manager will not let me grant him db_owner,
> this gives him too much rights.
> And what every I do to give him the above rights, he can't be allowed to
> create tables, create views or create any stored procedures
> I could do this manually through the GUI, but with over 200 stored procs p
> table, this is too time consuming. I could script, but this is also someth
> labor intensive, am looking for an easier way.
> Thank you in advance.
> Sam|||Create a new role in each database.
Grant the appropriate permissions to this role. (I know it's time
consuming, but it's a one time deal).
Then add your new users to this role in each db.
If you check around, there have been several scripts already created that
will grant permissions. You just need to tweak them a bit. My guess is
that in an hour worth of your time, you will have the script completed.
This newsgroup has had several posted to it within the last two weeks.
Rick Sawtell
"Sam" <> wrote in message
> I have a production server with a few databases. Each database has about
> 100-150 tables, and 200 or so Stored Procs.
> I have a new user john that gets created on each database. I need to give
> him the ability to select, insert, update and delete from any user table,
> to be able to execute any Stored Procedure.
> If I grant this new user membership to db_datareader, he gets select from
> any user table.
> If I grant this new user membership to db_datawriter, he gets insert,
> update, delete to any user table.
> So far, so good. Now the problem -
> What role can I grant that would allow this user to be able to run any
> stored procedure? Note that my manager will not let me grant him db_owner,
> this gives him too much rights.
> And what every I do to give him the above rights, he can't be allowed to
> create tables, create views or create any stored procedures
> I could do this manually through the GUI, but with over 200 stored procs
> table, this is too time consuming. I could script, but this is also
> labor intensive, am looking for an easier way.
> Thank you in advance.
> Sam
Granting permissions
100-150 tables, and 200 or so Stored Procs.
I have a new user john that gets created on each database. I need to give
him the ability to select, insert, update and delete from any user table, and
to be able to execute any Stored Procedure.
If I grant this new user membership to db_datareader, he gets select from
any user table.
If I grant this new user membership to db_datawriter, he gets insert,
update, delete to any user table.
So far, so good. Now the problem -
What role can I grant that would allow this user to be able to run any
stored procedure? Note that my manager will not let me grant him db_owner, as
this gives him too much rights.
And what every I do to give him the above rights, he can't be allowed to
create tables, create views or create any stored procedures
I could do this manually through the GUI, but with over 200 stored procs per
table, this is too time consuming. I could script, but this is also something
labor intensive, am looking for an easier way.
Thank you in advance.
SamThink I found the solution. For each table, use the:
Still not sure how to give a user rights to execute all Stored Procedures,
"Sam" wrote:
> I have a production server with a few databases. Each database has about
> 100-150 tables, and 200 or so Stored Procs.
> I have a new user john that gets created on each database. I need to give
> him the ability to select, insert, update and delete from any user table, and
> to be able to execute any Stored Procedure.
> If I grant this new user membership to db_datareader, he gets select from
> any user table.
> If I grant this new user membership to db_datawriter, he gets insert,
> update, delete to any user table.
> So far, so good. Now the problem -
> What role can I grant that would allow this user to be able to run any
> stored procedure? Note that my manager will not let me grant him db_owner, as
> this gives him too much rights.
> And what every I do to give him the above rights, he can't be allowed to
> create tables, create views or create any stored procedures
> I could do this manually through the GUI, but with over 200 stored procs per
> table, this is too time consuming. I could script, but this is also something
> labor intensive, am looking for an easier way.
> Thank you in advance.
> Sam|||Create a new role in each database.
Grant the appropriate permissions to this role. (I know it's time
consuming, but it's a one time deal).
Then add your new users to this role in each db.
If you check around, there have been several scripts already created that
will grant permissions. You just need to tweak them a bit. My guess is
that in an hour worth of your time, you will have the script completed.
This newsgroup has had several posted to it within the last two weeks.
Rick Sawtell
"Sam" <> wrote in message
> I have a production server with a few databases. Each database has about
> 100-150 tables, and 200 or so Stored Procs.
> I have a new user john that gets created on each database. I need to give
> him the ability to select, insert, update and delete from any user table,
> to be able to execute any Stored Procedure.
> If I grant this new user membership to db_datareader, he gets select from
> any user table.
> If I grant this new user membership to db_datawriter, he gets insert,
> update, delete to any user table.
> So far, so good. Now the problem -
> What role can I grant that would allow this user to be able to run any
> stored procedure? Note that my manager will not let me grant him db_owner,
> this gives him too much rights.
> And what every I do to give him the above rights, he can't be allowed to
> create tables, create views or create any stored procedures
> I could do this manually through the GUI, but with over 200 stored procs
> table, this is too time consuming. I could script, but this is also
> labor intensive, am looking for an easier way.
> Thank you in advance.
> Sam