Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Going nuts here!

Alright- I plugged this code in to tell my form to write to SQLServer when I click the Submit button. However I error out when I load the form:

dim Conn as new OleDbConnection("DSN=MyDB")

Sub On_Click(obj as object, e as EventArgs)
dim params(3) as String
dim strSQL as String

strSQL="INSERT INTO tblSCRequest "(strRequestor, dtRequestDate, strAudience) VALUES (" & _
"'" & params(0) & "'," & _
"'" & params(1) & "'," & _
"'" & params(2) & "'")

end sub

function ExecuteStatement(strSQL)
dim objCmd as new OleDbCommand(strSQL, Conn)

catch ex as Exception
end try
end function

I get this error:
C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\SOSComm\CommWeb4.aspx(14) : error BC30471: Expression is not an array or a method, and cannot have an argument list.

strSQL="INSERT INTO tblSCRequest "(strRequestor, dtRequestDate, strAudience) VALUES (" & _
C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\SOSComm\CommWeb4.aspx(14) : error BC30205: End of statement expected.

strSQL="INSERT INTO tblSCRequest "(strRequestor, dtRequestDate, strAudience) VALUES (" & _
C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\SOSComm\CommWeb4.aspx(15) : error BC30035: Syntax error.

"'" & params(0) & "'," & _

Any ideas??try this :

strSQL="INSERT INTO tblSCRequest (strRequestor, dtRequestDate, strAudience) VALUES (" & _
"'" & params(0) & "','" & params(1) & "','" & params(2) & " ')"

better yet, use parameterized queries. (1) you dont have to worry about these quotes (2) you are safe from sql injection attacks.

hth|||So what if for simplicity sake I try this-

strSQL=""INSERT INTO tblSCRequest (strRequestor) VALUES (" & _
";" & params (0) & "')"

Would this work? Also, I saw your link to the param site. If I get this working I'm going to use that going forward. Thanks.|||no a ; indicates end of sql statement. use parameterized queries. thats the best way to go about it.

hth|||Okay. I have this problem now-

Sub Submit(obj as object, e as EventArgs)
dim params(3) as String
dim strSQL as String

strSQL="INSERT INTO Comm (strRequestor, dtRequestDate, strAudience) VALUES (" & _
"'" & params(0) & "','" & params(1) & "','" & params(2) & " ')"


end sub

function ExecuteStatement(strSQL)
dim objCmd as new OleDbCommand()

catch ex as exception
end try
end function

I get an error saying "System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object." And it is pointing to line 31 as the culprit-

Line 29: catch ex as exception
Line 30: end try
Line 31: objCmd.Connection.Close()<---Error line
Line 32: end function|||(1) use parameterized queries. ( i suggested this earlier too)
(2) make sure you have values in all the parameters.
(3) put the connection.close in the finally block


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